Thursday 16 December 2010

BLK feedback summary on production section

Plenty of good facts but limited analysis and virtually no use of the key concepts except for audience. Without this, you won't be able to use this material in your exam. Too much description and very little theory/conclusions drawn. Nothing on the actual production processes followed or the teechnology used in the making of either film.

You have attempted to answer the questions posed which were:

1. How has the film been produced to appeal to the UK market?
1. How has the film been produced to appeal to the UK market?

but you didn't follow this advice:
The key to success is to break down the question, work out the answers, use the key concepts in your response and compare/contrast with TBTR - this is what you should have included - this must be resolved immediately

Audiences and Institutions key concepts: which ones are relevant to production??
1. The film's target audience, both in the UK and globally (core and secondary markets, audience demographics, typical audience profile) yes, good

2. Patterns and trends of audience behaviour (audience tastes and habits in media consumption, pleasures, sharing, uses and gratifications) yes some

4. The issues raised in the targeting of UK national and local audiences by international or global institutions (specific needs of the UK market, cultural awareness, impact of global distribution) yes some

5. The issues raised by the institutional ownership of each film (production company, production and marketing budgets, UK distributor, licensing deals) not dealt with

6. The importance of cross media convergence and synergy (production technology, marketing campaign, the website, social networking, viral, cross platform distribution) not dealt with for TBTR and limited for Avatar 

7. The technologies that have been introduced in recent years at the levels of production, distribution, marketing and exhibition/exchange (3D, CGI/animation, blu-ray, home cinema, multi-channel TV, PVR, digital cinema projection, fast broadband) not dealt with

8. The significance of proliferation in hardware and content for institutions and audiences (competition, changing digital landscapes, technological obsolescence, investment costs, piracy) not dealt with

9. The importance of technological convergence for institutions and audiences (portability, convenience, levels of control and personalisation, non-linear experiences, interactivity/immersion, changing expectations, impact on traditional media insititutions, rise in short form content, piracy) not dealt with

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